Orthodontic Office Design: JoeArchitect at GORP 2015 at St. Louis University
July 31, 2015 by Joe Church. Adam Wachholtz, GORP, GORP 2015, Jesse Morris, RMO, Rocky Mountain Orthodontics, Summit Wealth Group
What is GORP? Gwyneth Paltrow’s new lifestyle website? Borat’s younger brother? Negative. GORP stands for Graduate Orthodontic Residents Program.
GORP began in 1989 as a means of bringing the orthodontists of the future together for a summer meeting, creating an environment to foster professional growth and interpersonal relationships among colleagues and representatives of the orthodontic industry. Over the past 26 years, the meeting has grown to an event that involves nearly 500 orthodontic residents from the United States and Canada. Joe Architect is a proud sponsor of this years event.
Joe Miller will be at St. Louis University on Friday, July 31st and Saturday, August 1st meeting with residents and discussing orthodontic office design and construction. Joining Joe will be Jesse Morris with Summit Wealth Group as well as Adam Wachholtz with RMO (Rocky Mountain Orthodontics). Stop by their exhibit booths, to say hi and tell them about your vision for your unique practice.